级别: 创办人
UID: 2
发帖: 11804
赋: 73987 枚
注册时间: 2011-08-03
最后登录: 2025-03-10
泅渡 译 像一只笨拙的大黄蜂 他落在一朵花上 压弯脆弱的茎秆 他一路推挤 穿过一排排花瓣 像穿过词典的书页 他想进入 芬芳与甘美之所在 虽然着了凉 什么也体味不出 他却不遗余力 直到把头撞上 黄色的花蕊 最远仅能抵达这里 而穿过花萼 进入根本 则太过艰难 蜂于是又飞离 露面时夸着口 大声嗡嘤: 我到过那里 而那些 不信他话的人 可以看看他那鼻子 沾上了黄色花粉 On translating poetry
Like a clumsy bumblebee he alights on a flower bending the fragile stem he elbows his way through rows of petals like the pages of a dictionary he wants in where the fragrance and the sweetness are and though he has a cold and can't taste anything he goes on trying until he bumps his head against the yellow pistil
and gets no further than that it's too hard to push through the calyx into the root so the bee takes off again he emerges swaggering loudly humming: I was in there and those who don't take his word for it can take a look at his nose yellow with pollen