级别: 创办人
UID: 2
发帖: 11818
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注册时间: 2011-08-03
最后登录: 2025-03-14
戴玨 译 哎,可真脏啊! ——这小小的加油站, 给油污浸透,渗遍了, 整个一片令人不安, 发黑的半透明。 小心那火柴! 父亲穿着一件肮脏 油腻,箍着腋窝 的短制服, 有几个手脚快而鲁莽的 油腻儿子协助他 (这是个家族加油站), 每一位都完全彻底的脏。 他们就住在加油站吧? 这里有水泥门廊, 就在油泵后面,而廊上 有一组起了皱,充满了 油污的藤制家具; 在藤沙发上 有只脏狗,怪舒服的。 几本连环漫画书 提供了仅有的色调—— 某种色调。它们摆在 一块盖着张小凳子 (那一组的一分子) 的暗色大垫布上面,挨着 一盆毛茸茸,硕大的秋海棠。 为什么会有不相关的植物? 为什么会有小凳子? 为什么,啊,为什么,会有垫布? (用雏菊针法绣上了 我想是雏菊花吧, 而且有很多灰色钩编。) 有人给垫布绣了花。 有人为花浇了水, 或许是上了油。有人 布置了那一排排的罐子 这样它们便对着 紧张的车辆轻轻地说: ESSO—SO—SO—SO 有人爱我们每一个。 译注:ESSO指埃索石油公司。这里是形容一排排汽油罐上ESSO的字样。 Filling Station Oh, but it is dirty! —this little filling station, oil——soaked, oil——permeated to a disturbing, over——all black translucency. Be careful with that match!
Father wears a dirty, oil——soaked monkey suit that cuts him under the arms, and several quick and saucy and greasy sons assist him (it's a family filling station), all quite thoroughly dirty.
Do they live in the station? It has a cement porch behind the pumps, and on it a set of crushed and grease—— impregnated wickerwork; on the wicker sofa a dirty dog, quite comfy.
Some comic books provide the only note of color— of certain color. They lie upon a big dim doily draping a taboret (part of the set), beside a big hirsute begonia.
Why the extraneous plant? Why the taboret? Why, oh why, the doily? (Embroidered in daisy stitch with marguerites, I think, and heavy with gray crochet.)
Somebody embroidered the doily. Somebody waters the plant, or oils it, maybe. Somebody arranges the rows of cans so that they softly say: ESSO—SO—SO—SO to high——strung automobiles. Somebody loves us all.