级别: 创办人
UID: 2
发帖: 11802
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注册时间: 2011-08-03
最后登录: 2025-03-10
柳向阳 译 这些鱼令人痛苦。大多数日子, 它们在黎明时被带上山,美丽, 异样,冷,来自海底的黑夜—— 宏大的空间从它们呆板的眼里消失。 柔软的黑暗机器,那男人想, 一边洗鱼。“你怎么会知道我的机器!” 上帝质问道。当然,那男人平静地说, 一边切进鱼身,放回十二根鱼骨, 抓到一些骇人的污物。 上帝坚持道:“是你自己选择了 这样生活。我建了城市,那里的一切 合乎人性。我造了托斯卡纳*而你 与岩石和寂静一起生活。” 那男人 洗去血,把鱼摆在一个大盘子里。 开始在热橄榄油里煎洋葱,又放入 胡椒。“你常年过着没有女人的生活。” 他把锅里所有东西盛出来,放进鱼。 “没人知道你在哪里。人们都把你忘了。 你又没用又固执。” 那男人把西红柿 和柠檬切成片。把鱼起锅, 炒鸡蛋。我不是固执,他想, 一边把所有东西摆在院子里的桌子上, 院子里撒满清晨的阳光,燕子的身影 飞过饭菜。不是固执,只是贪心。 *托斯卡纳(Tuscany), 意大利中西部的大区,首府佛罗伦萨。
译注:2013年9月我又重新译一稿,并请一位朋友译了一份初稿(标题《误会》),对照修改。也是这一次,我突然有所明白,将沿袭已久的题目《出错》改为《歧途》,意思是他没有走上帝指的路,而是走自己选择的路,过自己喜欢的生活(“是你自己选择了╱这样生活。”)。也正是因为这一改动,我将最后一句译作“只是贪心”——我想,对“心”的不断的追索才是吉尔伯特的核心。 GOING WRONG
The fish are dreadful. They are brought up the mountain in the dawn most days, beautiful and alien and cold from night under the sea, the grand rooms fading from their flat eyes. Soft machinery of the dark, the man thinks, washing them. “What can you know of my machinery!” demands the Lord. Sure, the man says quietly and cuts into them, laying back the dozen struts, getting to the muck of something terrible. The Lord insists: “You are the one who chooses to live this way. I build cities where things are human. I make Tuscany and you go to live with rock and silence.” The man washes away the blood and arranges the fish on a big plate. Starts the onions in the hot olive oil and puts in peppers. “You have lived all year without women.” He takes out everything and puts in the fish. “No one knows where you are. People forget you. You are vain and stubborn.” The man slices tomatoes and lemons. Takes out the fish and scrambles eggs. I am not stubborn, he thinks, laying all of it on the table in the courtyard full of early sun, shadows of swallows flying on the food. Not stubborn, just greedy.