级别: 创办人
UID: 2
发帖: 11802
赋: 73977 枚
注册时间: 2011-08-03
最后登录: 2025-03-10
柳向阳 译 那是在教堂的耳堂,石头里的 冬天,昏暗的灯光照着琳达, 那时她说,听。听这儿,她说。 他把耳朵贴到那扇巨大的门上, 果然有精灵在里面唱歌。后来他到处 寻找。在马德里,夜雨中他听到有钟声 在某处响起。小心翼翼地穿过 纠缠的巷子,他离得越近,那声音 愈低沉有力。在广场不远处,充溢了 他整个人,而他转过身去。不需要 看到那只钟,他想。他正试图发现的 不是那只钟,而是遗失在我们 身体里的天使。这“ 想” 所是的音乐。 他渴望知道他听到了什么,而不是离得更近。 HAUNTED IMPORTANTLY
It was in the transept of the church, winter in the stones, the dim light brightening on her, when Linda said, Listen. Listen to this, she said. When he put his ear against the massive door, there were spirits singing inside. He hunted for it afterward. In Madrid, he heard a bell begin somewhere in the night rain. Worked his way through the tangle of alleys, the sound deeper and more powerful as he got closer. Short of the plaza, it filled all of him and he turned back. No need, he thought, to see the bell. It was not the bell he was trying to find, but the angel lost in our bodies. The music that thinking is. He wanted to know what he heard, not to get closer.