级别: 创办人
UID: 2
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注册时间: 2011-08-03
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泅渡 译 勿笃信我们的纲领,忘记它们 开始写你自己的文字。 仿佛你是第一个写诗 或最后一个。 勿被我们的作品包裹得窒息, 而是要痛苦之书中 纠正我们的错误。 别问他人:我是谁? 你知道你母亲是谁。 至于父亲,是你自己。 真理是白的, 须用乌鸦的墨在上面书写。 真理是黑的, 须用幻景的光在上面书写。 若想与猎鹰角逐 须与其翱翔。 生命不若我们所想的那般鲜活, 但我们不可纠结于此,以免损害情感的健康。 若长久凝思一朵玫瑰, 你就会在暴风雨中岿然不移。 你就像我,但我的深渊是明晰的。 而在你的道路上,秘密沉浮起落, 永无止境。 你可将青春之终结称为 才能之成熟 或智慧。无疑,是智慧, 一种冷静的非抒情的智慧。 手中鸟千只 不如以树为衣的一只。 艰难时世一首诗 是墓中的绚丽花朵。 榜样不易为, 因此要做你自己, 除你自己, 皆在回声的边界后。 勿对爱人说,你是我我是你, 而要说相反的话: 我俩做客在一朵多余的流云。 尽你所能地偏离,偏离常规。 勿将两颗星置于一种表达里, 须将边缘的文字置于核心 以完成飞扬的狂喜。 勿信从我们教导之准确。 惟信驼队的踪迹。 道德是诗人心中的子弹, 致人死命的智慧。 愤怒时要强大如牛, 爱恋时要柔弱如杏仁花 而空无,空无就像在关闭的房间 独唱小夜曲。 此路漫长如古代诗人的夜晚: 平原与山峦,河流与峡谷。 照你梦的尺度前行:跟随你的 是百合花或绞刑架。 你若疏离人群,远离我, 就不会令我失望。 与我不相像的,更美丽。 从此,惟有被忽视的未来守护你。 如烛泪熔于悲伤时,勿想象 有人看见你,追随你直觉的光。 须思索自身:这岂是全部的自己? 诗总是未完成,蝴蝶使其完满。 爱关经历。无可建议。 诗关才能。无可建议。 最后,并非微不足道,向你问候。 To a Young Poet By Mahmoud Darwish
Don’t believe our outlines, forget them and begin from your own words. As if you are the first to write poetry or the last poet.
If you read our work, let it not be an extension of our airs, but to correct our errs in the book of agony.
Don’t ask anyone: Who am I? You know who your mother is. As for your father, be your own.
Truth is white, write over it with a crow’s ink. Truth is black, write over it with a mirage’s light.
If you want to duel with a falcon soar with the falcon.
Life is less alive than we think but don’t think of the matter too much lest we hurt emotions’ health.
If you ponder a rose for too long you won’t budge in a storm.
You are like me, but my abyss is clear. And you have roads whose secrets never end. They descend and ascend, descend and ascend.
You might call the end of youth the maturity of talent or wisdom. No doubt, it is wisdom, the wisdom of a cool non-lyric.
One thousand birds in the hand don’t equal one bird that wears a tree.
A poem in a difficult time is beautiful flowers in a cemetery.
Example is not easy to attain so be yourself and other than yourself behind the borders of echo.
Don’t tell the beloved, you are I and I am you, say the opposite of that: we are two guests of an excess, fugitive cloud.
Deviate, with all your might, deviate from the rule.
Don’t place two stars in one utterance and place the marginal next to the essential to complete the rising rapture.
Don’t believe the accuracy of our instructions. Believe only the caravan’s trace.
A moral is as a bullet in its poet’s heart a deadly wisdom. Be strong as a bull when you’re angry weak as an almond blossom when you love, and nothing, nothing when you serenade yourself in a closed room.
The road is long like an ancient poet’s night: plains and hills, rivers and valleys. Walk according to your dream’s measure: either a lily follows you or the gallows.
You won’t disappoint me, if you distance yourself from others, and from me. What doesn’t resemble me is more beautiful.
From now on, your only guardian is a neglected future.
Don’t think, when you melt in sorrow like candle tears, of who will see you or follow your intuition’s light. Think of yourself: is this all of myself?
The poem is always incomplete, the butterflies make it whole.
No advice in love. It’s experience. No advice in poetry. It’s talent.
And last but not least, Salaam. (Translated By Fady Joudah )