级别: 创办人
UID: 2
发帖: 11801
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注册时间: 2011-08-03
最后登录: 2025-03-09
泅渡 译 如果这盏灯的白光 真实,这只书写的手 真实,那么观看我所写的 这双眼睛是否真实? 从一个词到另一个词 凡我所说皆消失。 我知道自己活在 两个括号之间。 英译: Certainty by Octavio Paz
If it is real the white light from this lamp, real the writing hand, are they real, the eyes looking at what I write?
From one word to the other what I say vanishes. I know that I am alive between two parentheses. (translated by Charles Tomlinson)
原文: Certeza
Se é real a luz branca desta lâmpada, real a mão que escreve, são reais os olhos que olham o escrito?
Duma palavra à outra o que digo desvanece-se. Sei que estou vivo entre dois parênteses.