级别: 创办人
UID: 2
发帖: 11801
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注册时间: 2011-08-03
最后登录: 2025-03-09
泅渡 译 一艘船 没有锚地漂流。 没有帆 但海上也没有风。 海在延展 流入远洋。 海天尽头 无处遮蔽。 这艘船古老 来自十五世纪。 没有发动机。 它向着印度航行。 面包发霉了。 传染病爆发。 帆破了。 船进水了。 或许会有一艘本地船过来 带来玉米 或别的来充饥。 船长已绝望 跳进水中。 他很幸运没有溺水。 他在船不远处漂流。 第一个伙伴拿望远镜看。 没有印度没有面包。 没有肉没有鱼。 一个水手咬下一块烂木板。 饥饿是如此可怕。 这船将永远无处停靠。 这船就是达丽亚*玛利亚 她今天将沉没。 她今天正沉没。 *达丽亚·拉维科维奇(1936—2005),以色列女诗人,和平活动家。这首诗是她生前2003年发表的最后一首诗,当时诗人正罹患严重的抑郁症。2005年8月21日,诗人被发现死于特拉维夫的公寓。 *诗题“众水”,参看《圣经·雅歌》 8:7“爱情,众水不能息灭/大水也不能淹没//若有人拿家中所有的财宝要换爱情/就全被藐视。” 英译:Many Waters by Dahlia Ravikovitch
A ship Is floating without an anchor. It has a sail But at sea there is no wind. The sea is expanding Spilling into the ocean. From horizon to horizon There is no shade. The ship is antique From the fifteenth century. It has no motor. It has set sail for India. The bread is moldy. An epidemic has broken out. The sail is torn. The water has run out. Maybe a boat full of natives will come Bringing corn Or something to swallow. The captain has despaired and he jumps into the water. He is better off drowning. Meanwhile he floats Near the ship. The first mate looks through the telescope. There is no India and no bread. There is no meat and no fish. One sailor has bitten down on a rotten plank. The hunger is terrible. The ship will never arrive anywhere. This ship is the Dahlia Maria and she will sink today. She is sinking today. (translated by Vivian Eden)