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UID: 2
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注册时间: 2011-08-03
最后登录: 2025-03-10
李晖 译 这里,玫瑰开放之处。 柔婉的葡萄藤和月桂叶交缠之处, 年轻的鸽子鸣唤之处, 小蟋蟀欢欣之处, 这是谁的坟墓, 诸神种植并修饰以 鲜活之物? 这是阿纳克里翁的床。 这位快乐的诗人喜爱春天,夏天和秋天; 现在这小小的山丘庇护他度过冬天。 *阿纳克里翁(Anacreon,约公元前63年-公元前478年),希腊抒情诗人,以歌颂爱情和美酒的短歌闻名。
译自James Wright的英译
Anacreon's Grave From the German of Goethe
Here, where the rose opens. where delicate vines and bay leaves embrace each other, Where the young dove is calling, Where the little cricket is glad, whose grave is this, That all the gods have planted and trimmed with living things? This is Anacreon's bed. The happy poet enjoyed spring, summer, and autumn; Now this small hill shelters him from the winter.